Colloidal Silver Info Resources Important note: We do not sell or otherwise supply publications on the use of colloidal silver. But such publications are readily available through a number or sources, some of which are listed below. We take no responsibility whatsoever for the information provided in the publications listed below. This list is simply a compilation of some of the publications we have come across over the course of the past seven years, and admittedly, due to time and space constraints, it is only a partial list. Some of these publications are extremely technical in nature, including medical research abstracts requiring a thorough understanding of technical, scientific or medical research terminology. Others are more popular publications written in layman's language. What's more, some of these publications appear to complement each other, and others appear to contradict each other, depending upon the personal beliefs and prejudices of the authors/publishers, or the varying results of the research they have conducted or reviewed. This can add to the confusion surrounding some aspects of colloidal silver usage, rather than to a better understanding of colloidal silver usage. It is also important to note that some of the publications listed below are nothing more than "cheerleader" publications for colloidal silver, offering virtually no information on important topics like potential side effects and contraindications, while other publications listed below take great care to provide information on such vital topics. For these reasons, we urge you to exercise great caution and due diligence in determining for yourself the reliability, accuracy and completeness of information provided in the publications listed below. We are not responsible for your use or misuse of the information provided in the below-listed publications.
What's more, some of the publications listed below are readily publicly available, and others are obscure and/or very difficult to obtain. Wherever possible, we have listed sources or contact information. We do not sell or otherwise supply any of the publications listed below. With diligent investigation, a significant amount of information on colloidal silver and its uses in health and medicine can be found dating as far back as 1897. In a search for additional information on colloidal silver, the reference librarian at your local library would be a good place to start. A good internet search engine would be another productive tool to employ. And your local bookstore, or an internet bookstore such as Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com may also prove helpful. Colloidal silver science is constantly evolving, and new information both pro and con comes to light on an ongoing basis. Because of this, we must emphasize that the reader is solely responsible for taking the time and making the effort to educate himself/herself and stay up-to-date on colloidal silver and its many potential uses, risks and rewards. To our knowledge, none of the publications listed below have been reviewed by the FDA. Descriptions of the publications listed below have been provided by the publishers or their publicists, or are printed on the book jackets or in advertising literature or have been taken from the internet. The publications listed below are listed solely for informational purposes, and no attempt to recommend or provide medical treatment or "practice medicine" is herein being made, nor should any be construed. We are not doctors. A knowledgeable and experienced medical practitioner should be consulted for all health care issues. We do not recommend self-treatment. Publications Focusing Chiefly on Colloidal Silver The New Colloidal Silver Manual: Introducing the Powerful Natural Antibiotic They Want to Take Away From You Newly updated and expanded to over 230 pages. Covers everything you need to know about this powerful natural antibiotic the FDA is trying to keep from you, including how to make it yourself, for just pennies, in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Written in clear, non-technical, layman's language. Contains the brand new "Dosage Chapter" with over 30 pages of specific dosage information for dozens of infectious diseases, including those caused by germ warfare agents. Includes a complete synopsis of every major medical study conducted on colloidal silver from 1897 to the present. Covers dozens of different uses for colloidal silver in the home, office, garden, on pets, on vacation or anywhere. Separate chapters on fighting yeast (fungal) infections, BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy i.e., englarged prostate), AIDS, and other serious conditions. Provides an in-depth review of the FDA's ongoing war against colloidal silver. Offers brand new chapters on the uses of the newly developed "micro-particle" colloidal silver against mycoplasmas infections and the chronic degenerative diseases triggered by such infections. Potential contraindications, side effects and dosage warnings of colloidal silver usage are also covered. Lists the 124 specific pathogens and infectious diseases which colloidal silver is documented in the historical medical literature to be effective against. Explains how to test the germicidal qualities of your colloidal silver. Includes an exclusive interview with independent colloidal silver researcher Darryl Tichy on the benefits and safety of low-voltage colloidal silver...information on argyria and the infamous "blue lady"...and much, much more. This is now without exception the most comprehensive manual on colloidal silver usage available anywhere, at any price. If you get no other book on colloidal silver usage, be sure to get this one! $69, published by Life & Health Research Group, Inc., PO Box 1239, Peoria AZ 85380-1239. Phone: 1-888-846-9029. Colloidal Silver: Where does it go when you drink it? How long does it stay there? a short medical study (10 pages) by Roger Altman, Eng. Sc. D., who took the task upon himself to find out the answers to the above questions by making careful measurements of the silver that he consumed and the silver that he excreted in urine, feces, hair, nails, sweat, etc. From his carefully collected data, we now have an indication of how well the body uses and eliminates colloidal silver, and of what might constitute "safe" levels of daily consumption so as to avoid silver buildup and potential toxicity in the human body. This study provides only one set of measurements on one individual, and therefore may not be applicable to other people because of bio-individuality. Nevertheless, it is fascinating data which has been carefully obtained by a scientifically trained individual using modern analytical tools. It suggests that a healthy adult can consume approximately 2 mg. of colloidal silver per day without risk, barring problems such as kidney or bowel disease that could inhibit the body's normal elimination channels. Since 1 one tsp. of 10 ppm colloidal silver contains approximately 50 micrograms of silver, it would take approximately 40 tsps. of 10 ppm colloidal silver to make 2 mg. To purchase a copy of this study (price not indicated), contact Roger Altman by email at: rogaltman@aol.com How to Beat Multiple Sclerosis by Nadine Wooley, a multiple sclerosis (MS) patient who refused to accept the common medical wisdom which states there are no answers for this devastating disease, and discovered how to reverse her condition through the use of colloidal silver. Her book offers her own inspired account of her use of colloidal silver and other supplements to beat MS and return to the ambulatory life she once knew. In clear, down-to-earth language she describes in detail all of the things you need to know about fighting MS, that doctors can't or won't tell you. 160 pages. $17.95 from Amazon.com (ISBN #: 0-9626697-5-X) The Micro Silver Bullet by Dr. M. Paul Farber Extensively documents Dr. Farber's experience with Lyme Disease and how he was able to heal himself of this terrible condition using colloidal silver. His experiences in researching colloidal silver at Temple University are thoroughly documented, as well as his correspondences with other doctors and medical laboratories in determining the effectiveness of colloidal silver against the lyme disease pathogen. 651 pages. $29.95 usually available through Amazon.com Colloidal Silver: A Literature Review: Medical Uses, Toxicology & Manufacture one of the better books on colloidal silver usage; provides a comprehensive and objective review of available colloidal silver literature. Covers what is known about colloidal silver, what it does, how it works, what its risk of toxicity is. Does not promote the use of colloidal silver and is not related to any colloidal silver products on the market. Written by John Hill, D.C.; available for purchase over the internet in PDF format at www.clspress.com/silver.html (Price not available at time of printing; check web site.) Silver Colloids Do They Work? by Professor Ronald J. Gibbs (now deceased), former director of the Center for Colloidal Science at the University of Delaware. He has published over 85 reviewed journal articles and 5 technical reports, edited 14 books, and presented 61 talks at national and international meetings. His research and teaching cover a wide variety of topics involving colloidal material including how to analyze them, what they are composed of, and what happens to them in nature. The objective of this book is to provide a clear, thorough understanding of what to look for and what to avoid in choosing good commercial (i.e., store bought) colloidal silver products. Do they work, and which ones are best? The answers may surprise you! (A short booklet, price unavailable at time of printing; occasionally available through Amazon.com and other internet sources) The Wonder Cure Time Forgot, Colloidal Silver by Tonita d'Raye short booklet, available ($3.50) through Amazon.com Silver and Other Colloidal Minerals by Alexander Schauss out of print, used copies occasionally available on Amazon.com Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic Alternative by Zane Baronowski out of print, can occasionally find copies on Amazon.com or other web sites. Colloidal Silver: The Hidden Truth by Keith Courtenay occasionally available through Amazon.com Colloidal Silver: Antibiotic Superhero by Johnny Silverseed (paperback) $19.99; available through Amazon.com
Additional publications that include discussions on the use of silver ions or colloidal silver in health and medicine: The Body Electric : Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden In this landmark book, Robert O. Becker, M.D., a pioneer in the field of bioelectric science, presents a fascinating look at the role electricity plays in healing, challenging the traditional mechanistic model of the body. Colorful and controversial, this is a tale of engrossing research, scientific and medical politics, and breakthrough discoveries that offer new possibilities for fighting disease and harnessing the body's healing powers. Includes information on Dr. Becker's research on the use of electrically generated silver ions in fighting bone infections, reversing cancerous cell division, and triggering healing of severe bone breaks. Available through your local bookstore, or online at Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com Rare Earths/Forbidden Cures by Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS the definitive guide to the use of rare earth minerals in human health. Covers the entire table of elements and minerals, including silver, and discusses their vital role in human health, well-being and longevity. Provides an in-depth discussion of the value of colloidal minerals in health and healing, including a complete section on colloidal silver. Discusses the body's continual need for minerals...documents the myriad of diseases caused by mineral deficiencies (pica)...and lambasts the medical community's short-sighted dependence on synthetic drugs to treat diseases clearly caused by mineral deficiencies. 479 pages. $19.95 available online through Amazon.com The Ultimate Immune System Repair Manual, by S. Spencer Jones now a whopping 252 pages! Simply the most comprehensive manual on protecting the human immune system available anywhere, at any price. You will learn about dozens of the leading all-natural immune system stimulants, how they work, and which conditions they work best against (and where to get them inexpensively and without a prescription). Includes a full chapter on the use of colloidal silver in health and medicine. Plus, you will learn how your immune system is being destroyed as you age, how the medical system conspires to weaken your immune system in order to keep you coming back, and the simple daily steps you can take to prevent this growing atrocity. ($69 250 pages; available through the publisher, Life & Health Research Group, PO Box 1239, Peoria AZ 85380-1239. Phone: 1-888-846-9029.) A brief list of scientific, technical and medical research on various aspects of the uses of silver in medicine: [To find copies of these reports and studies, please use an internet search engine, visit your local library, or write directly to the appropriate organization or medical journal. We cannot provide copies or additional information.] American Metal Market, "Silver Compound aids in Bacterial Defense", Feb. 10, 1995, V 103, n 28 Colloidal Silver Proteins Marketed as Health Supplements, Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA October 18, 1995 Vol. 274, No. 15 FDA Background statement on Colloidal Silver, Received Sept. 13, 1995 Bach A.,Boher H., Motsch J., Martin E., Geiss H.K., Sonntag H.G., Prevention of bacterial colonization of intravenous catheters by antiseptic impregnation of polyurethane polymers, J of Antimicrob Chem., 33:969978, 1994 Bechhold, H. (1919), Colloids in Biology and Medicine, translated by J.G.M. Bullow., D.Van Nostrand Company: New York Becker, Robert O., Effects of Electrically Generated Silver Ions on Human Cells and Wound Healing, Electro and Magnetobiology, 19(1), 119, 2000 Becker R.O., Spadaro J.A. ,Treatment of Orthopedic Infections with Electrically Generated Silver Ions, J. Bone Jt. Surgery 60A:871,1978 Becker, Robert O., M.D., The Effect of Electrically Generated Silver Ions on Human Cells, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gold and Silver in Medicine, pg 227243, The Gold and Silver Institutes, Suite 101, 1026 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Berg, A.O., Placebos: A Brief Review for Family Physicians, J. Fam. Pract., 1977, July; 5(1):97100 Boericke, William, M.D., Sett Dey & Co., Materia Medica with Repertory, Calcutta, 1976 Brown, G. Van Amber, M.D., "Colloidal Silver in Sepsis", Journal of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Jan, 1916 Castle, James, M.D., "Some Recent Observations on Sprue", British Medical Journal, Nov. 15, 1912 Chu C.C., Tsai W.C., Yao J.Y. ,Chiu S.S., Newly made antibacterial braided nylon sutures. 1. In vitro qualitative and in vivo preliminary biocompatibility study, J. Biomed. Material Res., 21:1281, 1987 Chu C.S., McManus A.T., Mason A.D., Okerberg C.V., Pruitt B.A. Multiple Graft Harvestings from Deep Partialthickness Scald Wounds Healed under the Influence of Weak Direct Current, Journal of Trauma, 30:1044, 1990 Chu C.S., McManus A.T., Matylevich N., Mason A.D., Pruitt B.A., Direct Current Reduces Wound Edema After Full Thickness Burn Injury in Rats, Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection & Critical Care, 400 (5):738, 1990 Chu C.S., McManus A.T.,Okerberg C.V.,Mason A.D., Pruitt B.A. Weak Direct Current Accelerates Splitthickness Graft Healing on Tangentially Excised Seconddegree Burns, J of Burn Care Rehab, 12:285293, 1991 Chu C.S., McManus A.T. Pruitt B.A., Mason A.D., Theraputic Effects of Silver Nylon Dressings with Weak Direct Current on Pseudomonas aeruginosaInfected Burn Wounds, The Journal of Trauma, 28(10):14881492, 1988 Clement J.L., Jarrett P.S., Antibacterial Silver, Metal Based Drugs 1(56):467482,1994 Deitch E.A., Malaleonok A.A., Albright J.A., Electric Augmentation of the AntiBacterial Activity of SilverNylon, 3rd Annual BRAGS, 10/25/1983 Deitch E.A., Marino A.A., Gillespie T.E., Albright J.A., SilverNylon: A New Antimicrobial Agent, Antimicrobial Agents Chemother., 23:356, 1983 Demant, P., Journal of the American Medical Association, "Blocking the Reticuloendothelial system and Glycemia", p. 916, 87 (23) Dec. 4, 1926 Doull, J. et. al., Cosaret and Doull's Toxicology, The Basic Science of Poisons, Third Edition, 1986, p. 625 Downer, Ann, B.A., M.A., L.P.T., Physical Therapy Procedures: Selected Techniques, Charles C Thomas Publisher, 1977 Duhamel, B. G. M.D.,"Electric Metallic Colloids and their Therapeutical Applications", Lancet, Jan 13, 1912 Eichhorn, Gunter, et. al., Interaction of Metal Ions and Biological Systems, with special reference to Silver and Gold, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gold and Silver in Medicine, pg 322, The Gold and Silver Institutes, Suite 101, 1026 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Flick, A.B., Clinical Application of Electrical Silver Iontophoresis, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gold and Silver in Medicine, pg 273276, The Gold and Silver Institutes, Suite 101, 1026 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Fung, Man C., & Bowen, Debra L., Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, Jan1996, V34 N1, p119(8) Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 200 Tuesday, October 15, 1996 Proposed Rules 53685, 21 CFR Part 310 [Docket No.96N0144] OvertheCounter Drug Products Containing Colloidal Silver ingredients or Silver Salts Gettler, A.O., et. al., A Contribution to the pathology of generalized argyria with a discussion of the fate of silver in the human body, Am J Pathol 1927;3:63152 Gillman, A., Goodman, L.S., The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 5th ed. New York,: Macmillan, 1975:9301 Greene, R.M., Su, WP Daniel, "Argyria", American Family Physician, 1987; 36;151154 Hussain, Saber; Anner, Rolf M.; & Anner, Beatrice M.; Cystine protects Na,KATPase and isolated human lymphocytes from silver toxicity, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol. 189, No. 3, Dec. 30, 1992, pp. 14441449 Johnson, A.C., D.C., Chiropractic Physiological Therapeutics, 1977 Krusen, Frank H., M.D., Kottke, Frederic J., M.D., pH.D., Ellwood, Paul M. Jr., M.D., Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, W.B. Saunders Company, 1971 MacLeod, Alex O. E., "Electric Metallic Colloids and their Therapeutical Applications", Lancet, Feb. 3, 1912 Mackay, Raymond A., and John Texter, Electrochemistry in Colloids and Dispersions, VCH Publishers, Inc., 1992, ISBN 1560815736 Marshall, C. R. M.D., and Killoh, G. B. M.D., "The Bactericidal Action of Collosols of Silver and Mercury", British Medical Journal, Jan 16, 1915 Moyasar, T. Y.,, Landeen, L. K., Messina, M. C., Kuta, S. M. Schulze, R., and Gerba, C. P., (1990), Disinfection of Bacteria in Water Systems by using electrolytically generated copper, silver and reduced levels of free chlorine. Found in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology. The National Research Council of Canada: Ottawa, Ont.Canada. pp. 109116 Maki D.G., Garman J.K., Shapiro J.M., Ringer M, Helgerson R.B., An Attachable SilverImpregnated Cuff for Prevention of Infection with Central Venous Catheters: A Prospective Randomized Multicenter Trial Attachable Silver, Am J of Med, 85:307314, 1988 Maki D.G., Stolz S.M., Wheeler A., Mermel L.A., Prevention of Central Venous CatheterRelated Blookstream Infection by Use of an AntisepticImpregnated Catheter, Am College of Physicians, 127(4):257266, 5 Aug 1997 Marino A.A.,Deitch E.A., Albright J.A., Electric Silver Antisepsis, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME, 32:336, 1985 Marino A.A., Deitch E.A., Malakanok V., Albright J.A., Specian R.D., Electrical Augmentation of the Antimicrobial Activity of SilverNylon Fabrics, J. Biol. Phys.,12:93, 1984 Marino A.A., Malakonok V., Albright J. A., Deitch E.A., Specian R.D., Electrochemical properties of silvernylon fabrics, J. of Electrochem Soc.,132:68,1985 Nand S., Sengar G.K., Nand S., Jain V.K., Gupta T.D., Dual Use of Silver for A Management of Chronic Bone Infections and Infected Non Unions, J. Indian Medical Assoc, 84:134136, 1996 Roe, Legge A., "Collosol Argentum and its Ophthalmic uses", British Medical Journal, Jan 16, 1915 SandersonWells, T. H., M.D., "A Case of Puerperal Septicaemia Successfully Treated with Intravenous Injections of Collosol Argentum", Lancet, Feb. 16, 1916 Science Digest, "Silver New Magic in Medicine", March 1978 Searle, Alfred B., (1919), The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, E. P. Dutton & Company, New York Sheldon, J.H., M.D., The British Medical Journal, Jan 13, 1934, p. 4758 Sheridan R., Doherty P.J. Gilchrist T., Healy D., The effect of antibacterial agents on the behariour of Cultured Mammalian Fibroblasts., J. of Materials Science, 6:853856, 1995 Shouse, Samuel S., M.D., and Whipple, George H., M.D., "Effects of the Intravenous Injection of Colloidal Silver upon the Hematopoetic System in Dogs", Journal of Experimental Medicine, 53, p. 413419, 1931 Schriber, William J., M.A., M.D., Lea & Febiger, A Manual of Electrotherapy, 1978 Simonetti, N., Simonetti, G., Bougnol, F., and Scalzo, M. (1992) Electrochemical Ag+ for preservative use. Article found in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology: Washington, V. 58, 12, pp. 38343836 Simpson, W. J. M.D., "Experiments on the Germicidal Action of Colloidal Silver", Lancet, Dec. 12, 1914 Slawson, R.M., Van Dyke, M.I., Lee, H. and Trevors, J. T. (1992) Germanium and Silver resistance, accumulation and toxicity in microorganisms. Article found in Plasmid. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, V. 27, 1, pp. 7379 Spadaro J.A., Kramer S.J., Webster D.A., Antibacterial demineralized bone matrix using silver, 28th Annual ORS, N. Orleans, LA, Jan 1921,1982 Spadaro J.A., Webster D.A., Becker R.O., Silver Polymethyl methacrylate antibacterial bone cement, Clinical Orthop, 143:266, 1979 Spadaro J.A., Webster D.A., Kovach D.A., Chase S.E., Antibacterial Fixation Pins wth Silver: Animal Models, Trans Orthop Res Soc, 9:335, 1984 Spardo, J.A., Silver Anode Inhibition of Bacteria, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gold and Silver in Medicine, pg 245260, The Gold and Silver Institutes, Suite 101, 1026 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Thurman, R. B., and Gerba, C. P. (1989). The molecular mechanisms of copper and silver ion Disinfection of bacteria and viruses. CRC Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, V. 18, 4, p. 295, 299, 301, 302 Tsai W.C., Chu C.C., Chin S.S., Yao J.Y., In Vitro quantitative study of newly made antibacterial braided nylon sutures, Surg. Gynecol. Obstet., 165:207, 1987 Webster D.A., Spadaro J.A., Kramer S., Becker R.O., Silver Anode treatment of chronic osteomyelitis, Clin Orthop, 1961:105, 1981 Westhafen, M., Schafer, H., "Generalized Argyrosis in man: Neurological, Ultrastructural and Xray microanalytical findings", Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 1986; 232; 260264 Williams, D.F., The Biocompatibility of Silver, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gold and Silver in Medicine, pg 261272, The Gold and Silver Institutes, Suite 101, 1026 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Williams R.L., Doherty P.J., Vince D.G., Grashoff G. J., Williams D.F., The Biocompability of Silver, Critical Reviews in Biocompatibility, 5:221, 1989 William R. Hill, M.D. & Donald M. Pillsbury, M.A., M.D., The Williams & Wilkins Company, "ARGYRIA The Pharmacology of Silver", 1939 |
Contact us today for more information info@colloidalsilvercostarica.com |