A Safe and Simple Treatment for Aids Newspaper Article written by Marvin Robey The Herald of Provo Utah, February 2, 1992, ran an article on page 1, D1, in which a member of the administrative staff of Brigham Young University by the name of Daryl Tichy has been successfully experimenting with colloidal silver in the treatment of AIDS, along with warts and parvo virus in a dog. "Tichy said he had the material [colloidal silver] tested at two different labs; results showed the solution killed a variety of pathogens, including the HIV virus." Tichy then states, "I don't have a doubt in my mind." He says he has not been able to obtain funds to continue his research. This should not be a surprise, considering what other researchers have been telling us. There is much more evidence to support Tichy's conclusion. Extensive evidence points to the fact that colloidal silver destroys all types of virus including the AIDS virus and greatly enhances the immune system in general. Colloidal Silver supports the T-cells in their fight against foreign organisms in the blood. It virtually forms a second immune system, actually protecting and defending the T-cells, as well as doing their work for them. It is strongly suggested by research scientists such as Dr. Gary Smith and others that silver ions are essential to the immune system.
HIV and AIDS are a two sided medical condition. First is the HIV virus, which attacks the immune system. Second are the main outward effects, the conditions resulting from the weakened immune system. Research evidence shows that Colloidal Silver is a two edged sword. It attacks the HIV virus directly and effectively, and then forms virtually its own immune system to ward off the various health problems the immune system has not been able to handle. Parasites are being recognized more and more as a cause of failing health. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., author of "The Cure for All Cancers" and "The Cure for HIV and AIDS", tells us that neither cancer nor HIV can exist without parasites and that if we eliminate the parasites, the disease will be gone. Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4 says: "Parasites are also killed [by colloidal silver], as they have an egg-stage in their reproductive cycle, which is one celled and therefore killed in six minutes or less." In as much as there are many kinds of parasites, this may be inconclusive. However, tests have shown that mosquito larva are effectively killed by colloidal silver. It should be remembered that to rid oneself of parasites by killing the eggs or larvae means that one must continue the treatment until all of the adults die, probably of old age. More research is needed. But if the AIDS or Cancer and other conditions can be effectively treated with colloidal silver, then any effects on parasites is a free benefit.
One serious condition typical of AIDS is rapid ageing. Ageing is generally considered as due to a slowing down of the body's ability to replace worn out cells fast enough. This slowing down begins by the time of adulthood and continues into old age. In "Report: Colloidal Silver, Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4, it is stated that "Silver aids the developing foetus in growth, health, and eases the delivery and recovery." If colloidal silver aids the growth of a foetus so noticeably, will it reduce the ageing process? From the research of Dr. Becker, it would seem colloidal silver will produce the dedifferentiated cells necessary to prevent this slowdown of cell replacement. It is probable that the weakened immune system is incapable of producing the undifferentiated cells necessary to rebuild worn out cells. Colloidal silver produced the needed cells to make this possible. All of this is being discovered and rediscovered at the same time that disease bacterium are developing immunity to modern antibiotics. Furthermore, immunity to the antibiotics seems to be developing all over the world, even in isolated areas. The medical profession is alarmed. Can silver save us? Many authorities think so! |
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